The most advanced tool to easily design your online surveys

Net-Survey is a user-oriented software dedicated to the creation of any web questionnaires, no matter how simple or how complex.

In the Net-Survey interface, the user creates the questionnaire by simply typing the questions and answers, and then selecting the presentation template. The software automatically sets-up the questionnaire in the chosen template. This automatic presentation can be modified and personalised if necessary, using an easy point-and-click interface.

In addition to the usual objects (images, tables, multimedia objects, flash sequences…), NET-Survey provides a large set of interactive components that can boost the performance and abilities of the web questionnaire : automatic email sending, answer summaries, progress bar, dynamic statistics, timer…
When the questionnaire is ready, Net-Survey can easilly deploy it on an Intranet or web site. The broadcasting module included in the software can, if needed, send individual emails to all recipients (colleagues, customers, users…) with a personal link to the questionnaire. During the process, the user can follow-up the survey and send further requests to people who have not responded.

Leading-edge technology

Net-Survey integrates, in transparent way for the user, all the currently available technologies to manage electronic surveys: CGI / ISAPI application, JAVA applet, e-mail form sending (with or without javascript controls).

Compliance with standards

Net-Survey generates a pure and clean HTML code, fully compliant with Internet standards, for a maximum compatibility with major web browsers and a close interaction with leading office tools.

A stunning rendering

Net-Survey generates high quality graphic forms. It is supplied with immediately usable templates and supports any existing graphic charter.

A very simple architecture

Net-Survey installs and works like a traditional software on a user’s machine. It requires no previous installation on the IIS server where the generated surveys will be hosted. Net-Survey is responsible for each survey to remotely install everything necessary to ensure its proper functioning.

1. Design easily amazing questionnaires

Net-Survey allows to design and quickly lay out any questionnaire from the simplest to the most sophisticated. First enter your questions without worrying about the presentation. Click to select one of the many professionally designed templates. The questionnaire obtained is ready to be used as such or after you have customized it to your tastes and your graphic standards.

2. Manage your survey in real time

Is your form ready?
Net-Survey installs it with a simple click on the remote server at the location of your choice (ftp or http deployment on IIS server), with all files and programs needed to use it (CGI / ISAPI). If your survey is personal, Net-Survey manages the delivery to each of your contacts a personalized email with the information needed to connect (link to the survey, username, password …). You can always know who has not yet to respond and return if necessary a message of relaunching.

3. Collect the answers and analyze the results

Net-Survey allows you, at any time, to recover the answers’ database directly to the format of the survey software Ethnos or in another format (Excel, Access, Ascii …). So you can analyze your data in real time enjoying the wealth of analysis and graphic representation of Ethnos or using your office or regular statistical tool.

Net-Survey allows you to easily manage all Intranet and Internet data collection using questionnaires, forms, grids or tables.

  • INTRANET Applications

    > Employee surveys
    > Evaluation (Pre-training or post training, annual)
    > Audits (Quality, Security, IT, suppliers …)
    > Inventories (needs, use and status of equipment …)
    > Data budget feedback (forecast, current, results…)
    > Reporting and reports

  • INTERNET Applications

    > Customer surveys (satisfaction, complaints …)
    > Forms on the website (information requests, registration, views on the website…)
    > Data feedback (Outlets, distributors, partners…)
    > Reporting of nomad employees or on a business trip

  • Technical capabilities

    Net-Survey generates universal web forms

    The forms and questionnaires generated by Net-Survey comply with all web standards and have been tested on all major web browsers. They include a quality HTML code. The ergonomics and interactivity are managed by a standard and optimized JavaScript code, without any use of third-party technologies (no java or flash).
    Net-Survey generates forms automatically and manages installation remotely through FTP or HTTP transfer in a transparent way for questionnaire designer. The questionnaires can be accessed through the Internet (or Intranet) and are filled in real time on the server. This real-time management provides greater interactivity within the questionnaire (dividing into pages, contextual connections, filling in the questionnaire on several occasions …).

    Net-Survey allows the management of databases of correspondents, to send them email surveys individually, or to automatically prevent them as soon as the survey is available on the Internet or the Intranet server.
    While retrieving the answers, the system will associate the data with the recipient, in order to monitor the returns and carry out the possible follow-ups.

    A stream of technological innovations focuses on simplicity and efficiency

    - Content definition
         * Management of all types of questions: single or multiple choice, ordered, numeric, date, time, free text …
         * Possibility of opening existing questionnaires directly in Ethnos format, or importing them from an office software

    - Layout wizard
         Many professionally designed templates available
         Possibility of applying pre-defined HTML templates to each question and / or to the entire questionnaire
         Definition of the answer format, with a single click on the question: drop-down list, radio button, input box…
         Easy definition of alternating colors for rows or columns in a table

    -Ergonomics of the form
         Management of cursors with associated images: many slider models can replace a ladder-type response in one click
         Management of map-images (standard format), where the correspondent answers by clicking on an area
         Easy insertion of aid elements for navigation through the questionnaire : automatic summary, progress bar…
         Division of questionnaire into pages, with conditional paths and custom navigation buttons

    - Advanced Controls
         Conditional masking of zones
         Page conditional display (automatic shift to a different page if the conditions are not met)
         Conditional activation and deactivation of selected questions and / or answers
         Prohibition or obligation to answer a question according to specific criteria
         Assignment of values to questions depending on the responses to other questions
         Page timeout (automatic flip to the next page after a specified delay)

    - Multilingual questionnaires
         Automatic management of multilingual questionnaires with buttons that switches between languages in the program interface
         Functions to simplify the translation of the questionnaire: export to Excel and re-import once the translation of questionnaire texts, messages and complementary elements (graphic files, instructions …) is complete.

    - Pre-filling of questions
         Possibility of retrieving answers from a previous wave (history) and display them for information or modification
         Possibility of injecting data from an external database, into a respondant questionnaire, based on respondant code

    - Automatic rotations
         Rotation management of responses to a single or multiple choice question (random answers)
         Rotation management of questions within a table

    - Interactivity with the respondent
         Possibility of triggering a personalized email sent to the respondent according to the responses (e.g. thank-you message, registration confirmation …)
         Management of contextual tooltips
         Management of a multimedia companion to guide users (customizable gesture and text)
         Possibility of reproducing information about the respondent in question text (identifying information or answers to previous questions)

    - Online calculations
         Possibility of inserting calculated variables in the form
         Statistical calculation and online restitution of tables and charts regarding the answers of all respondents, or comparable selection to current respondant (same region, same language, same purchased product…)

    - Assisted broadcasting of the questionnaire
         Questionnaire deployment wizard, enabling the transfer of all necessary survey files to the remote IIS server (no installation is required)
         FTP deployment profile management
         Possibility of performing an http deployment with the Survey-Manager option

    - Managing a respondent base
         Possibility of building or importing a database of correspondents (free structure, supported formats: Ethnos, Access, Dbase, Excel, Ascii…)
         Custom electronic invitations to correspondents with an option enabling the insertion of an individual clickable link

    - The follow-up survey
         Possibility of recovering the database of the responses received, at any time, and identifying the correspondents who had not answered yet
         Possibility of chasing non-respondents
         Conditional locking of the survey

    - Possibility of assigning a validity date to the entire questionnaire or to each page of the questionnaire

    - Exploitation of results
         Data file directly in Ethnos format, with the possibility of exporting to Excel, Access, Dbase, Paradox, Ascii…
         Possibility of accessing online results using Web Reports software


    Questionnaire design

    Net-Survey allows you to quickly design any questionnaire. Net-Survey provides an ultra-friendly interface to create your survey. Thanks to a revolutionary architecture that automatically generates the form from your list of questions, Net-Survey allows you to start your questionnaire by focusing first on the essential, the questions you want ask.

    - Easily enter any questions: single or multiple choice (in drop-down list or checkboxes), numeric, date, time, free text …
    - Use the assistant to create faster your questionnaire : direct loading of questionnaires Ethnos, loading of answers lists from your office tools …
    - Quickly create tables : grouping of questions of the same type or different types of compact tables, facilitating the entry of answers.
    - Insert predefined items : separation lines, images, navigation bar, automatic summary, page breaks …
    - Set lists of contextual answers : for example, a list of subsidiaries selected by country or a list of functions according to the department chosen.
    - Check the filling of the questionnaire : required questions, managing conditional path from page to page, controls inter-questions to prohibit or allow questions …
    - Customize your questions : dynamic insertion of the name or characteristics of the recipient, reminder of an answer to a previous question …
    - Link your questions to your database of historical to save the current question of your questionnaires.
    - Insert dynamic calculations simple or sophisticated : summations, differences or changes between different waves, use of dynamic and continuous scores (exchange rate …)
    - Insert analysis and dynamic graphics : analysis on responses of the questionnaire or on inter-variable calculations, real-time compare to the answers given by other entities (average, min, max…)

    Automatic generation

    Net-Survey can proceed to an automatically layout of your questionnaire which can be distributed as is. However, it is fully customizable to your tastes and standards of your organization.

    - Use your graphic : instant application of pre-defined templates, inserting the form into a frameset…
    - Quickly apply your changes : global change default formats of questions and answers, management styles …
    - Enhance the presentation : color, bills of fount, position and format of answers (across or below the question, drop-down list or check boxes, arranged on one or more columns); management of sections multi-column …
    - Add external elements : inserting images gif or jpeg (with ability to manage arrays of images), add explanatory text, existing HTML …
    - Attach some questions to your external models : dynamic injection of answers zones in your HTML templates (for complex tables, presentations chart type …)


    Net-Survey manages the provision of the questionnaire to your correspondents.
    Your form is ready. Only one click of a button is necessary for Net-Survey to do the installation on a website or intranet. It can also send it by mail to your correspondents.

    - Manage a database of correspondents : you can create the database or import it from an external file (Excel, dBase, Text …); Manage individual passwords for each operation.
    - Just one click to install : integrated management of the copy of the form and the associated program (CGI) in ftp format on a remote website.
    - Just one click to sent : sending by mail of the form or an information message indicating the address where the questionnaire is available ; you can send off individualy or in group with customized message indicating the username and password individual password.
    - Just one click to collect the answers : Automatic management of the updating at any time of the answers’ file (Ethnos format) in ftp or http format ; receipt by mail and automatic consolidation of answers to questionnaires sent by mail initially.

    Results and analysis

    Whatever the method used (questionnaire sent or installed), the resulting file created in real time or consolidated from the answers received is directly recorded in the standard Ethnos format. It can be analyzed immediately without the intervention of the user on data …

    - Display results right away : you can prepare in advance a model of Ethnos report applicable at anytime on retrieved data.
    - Explore your data : hundreds of processing, graphics and statistical analysis applicable on your data with Ethnos and Stat’Mania.
    - Export your data or your results : export direct from Net-Survey data in Excel or ASCII ; export of results and reports from Ethnos to Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Csv, Gif, Jpeg, (WMF images, editable in the office tools).
    - Follow the evolution of the answers online : perform online and at any time statistics on the current file from your browser.
    - Automate the generation of results : program the calculation and the generation of regular reports (every x minutes, every day, every new answer …) and their dynamic and structured development on a website or Intranet for browsing.
    - You can also use Survey-Manager, our complete Net-survey questionnaire survey management platform.

Net-Survey lets you conduct all types of questionnaires

Démo Net Survey

Net-Survey demonstration

A Net-Survey demonstration providing a visual overview of the most common features.

Tutorial Net Survey

Net-Survey Tutorial

This Net-Survey tutorial provides step-by-step instruction for using the software, from the creation to the questionnaire deployment.

Enquête magasin


An example of a client satisfaction questionnaire in a supermarket.

Enquête journal


An example of a daily online newspaper evaluation questionnaire.

Enquête transport

Transport survey

A questionnaire example of the incident report in a transport company.

Demande brochures

Brochure request

An example of information form and TV-HIFI brochure request.


Join the thousands of Net-Survey users and produce top quality web forms.