
Neuromarketing draws on research in cognitive neurosciences in order to improve the marketing approach.

Neurosciences are the scientific study of the nervous system. Cognitive neurosciences aim to understand neurobiological mechanisms related to cognition, particularly thought processes managing treatment of information (memory, reasoning…) and elementary capacities such as perception, motricity and emotions.

Thanks to cognitive neurosciences, today’s marketers will be able to study human brain reactions when exposed to stimulations in order to test and then improve brand image, products and communication tools such as publicity.

Applying neuromarketing methods means using findings of researchers in neurosciences in the marketing field, or using tools specially designed to measure parameters related to consumers cognition. These tools are

  • Electroencephalogram (EEG) : direct measure of brain waves through sensors placed on the individual’s head.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): measures oxygen consumption on the brain tissues through a scanner.
  • Eye-tracking or oculometric measure, is the study of eye movements using special glasses. This technique is common in marketing studies because equipment is affordable and tests are simple and quick. Softwares such as Net-Survey propose features to extract all the potential of this commonly used technique.
  • Measure of electrodermal activity related to biological activity is reflected on heart rate, breathing, body movements, blood pressure, etc. This is by far the least precise of the above techniques because reaction phenomena are slow.